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Staying Safe at The Beauty Academy

Mask Wearing & Covid Secure Measures

Updated 24th January 2022:

With relaxing of the Plan B guidance taking effect in England from 27th January 2022, we have updated our policy on mask wearing in our centres. We are keen to maintain safety of both staff and students as a priority. In line with this, we will be maintaining our Covid-secure measures on an ongoing basis for the foreseeable, at all centres.

  • Although no longer mandatory, we will still highly recommend all students bring and wear a face mask at all times when inside our training centres. Students must maintain good hand hygiene practices when in the centre, hand sanitiser will be available. Where close face to face contact is required as part of the practical aspects of some courses e.g. facials, brow treatments, make up etc., students will be requested to wear a face mask during these times, in consideration of the health and safety of other students in attendance, upon which you will be practising. Your tutor will advise you accordingly on the day.
  • All students attending our centres as part of VTCT / City & Guilds assessments, along with their models MUST wear a face mask at all times when inside our centres (unless exempt). This is an awarding body requirement.
  • Staff will continue with strict hygiene and cleaning measures to maintain the safety and well-being of all who attend our centres.

We thank you for your co-operation with this and hope this will reassure you when attending for training or assessment. Please ensure you remain within these practices for your safety and that of staff, other students and/or visitors to our centres and head office. If you have any questions regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team on Freephone 0800 999 2277.


Based on current government guidance, please do not attend our training centres if;

  • You have developed any of the main symptoms of COVID-19 and a high temperature within the 3 days prior to your course date, we would recommend testing for COVID where possible.
  • You have tested positive for COVID-19 within the 3 days prior to your course date.
  • Current government guidance suggests if either of the above apply, you should remain home for 5 days from the onset of symptoms to reduce the risk of spreading the illness.

If any of the above apply, please contact our team at [email protected] at the earliest opportunity to reschedule your course. Where a positive PCR test result photo (including student’s name within the photo) or doctor’s note to confirm illness cannot be provided, the rescheduling fee will apply.


Click here to see confirmation that we have complied with the Government’s guidance.

Click here to view a copy of our risk assessment.

  • Established 1990: the Original Private Beauty Training School

    I have done a few courses with The Beauty Academy. I’m a successful Beauty Therapist now. I run my own business. Thank You ?

    Klaudia Traubert

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  • Established 1990: the Original Private Beauty Training School

    I have done a few courses at the Cambridge and London venues and loved all of them. Staff is very friendly and professional at the same time which makes it easy to learn the theory and also the techniques. Teachers pay attention to each student and gives honest advises and support. I highly recommend The Beauty Academy for everyone.

    Ernesta Davailyte

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  • Established 1990: the Original Private Beauty Training School

    I made a last minute decision to attend the ‘dry manicure and gel polish’ course and so glad I did! The tutor (Donnamarie) was so passionate and inspiring that she gave me the confidence I needed. Everything was well explained and the group was small enough get the best out of the day.

    Gemma Hacker

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Our expert team of tutors based across our 10 Training Schools are all qualified to the highest levels, still practising in the industry keeping their skills up to date and with years of industry experience to share with their students. All tutors are friendly and welcoming, making you feel totally at ease whether attending for your very first course or your VTCT qualification assessment days.